
Archive for July, 2012

Vendingconnection.com provides sufficient information regarding vending business such as Manufacturers, Distributors, and Suppliers for new vending machines, which helps to step up and earn profit in vending business. The website holds a vast amount of information to enlighten the clients who are eager to start a vending machine business.

Vending machines bestow items such as snacks, beverages, consumer products and even gold and gems to customers automatically, after they insert currency or credit into the machine. A recent statistics says that 7 out of 10 people use vending machines every day. These have become a new trend among people that bring out new business tactics to the entrepreneurs. There are also great opportunities available to become business professionals using vending era.

“The Vending Start-Up Kit has been designed in such a way to educate anyone on their way to start their own business. It provides a guide that helps to get away from vending scams. Now a day, more people want to have their own business. In such cases, it is advisable to get vending machines without giving up their current job. Vending allows anyone to get a return on money invested 100% to 200% in the first year only by spending 10 to 20 hours per month” told a spokesperson from Vendingconnection.com

“Our website in turn provides the facilities not only buying new vending machines but also allows the customers to sell their vending machines. We are enriched with all the information about vending product suppliers, vending news and also for all types of vending start up businesses, that includes Amusement Games, Vending Services, Car Wash, Coin Laundry, and OCS Office Coffee Services” he finally told about their website.

In the last few years vending has seen an extreme growth in the selling industry. Vending helps new blood to enter the world of business and to have a sharp growth in their business. Not only it offers profit to the business providers but also it offers product to the customers in fast, convenient and economical manner.

“Vending is a Billion Dollar industry, which is stable and growing every day.” told a leading business professional in Vending industry.

About Vendingconnection.com:

Vendingconnection.com is an encyclopedia of vending industry founded in 1996, provides innovative internet marketing and valuable solutions for vending industry. They provide the latest internet information concerning the vending and coin operated industries. It is a Resource center of Vending Machine Suppliers, parts, routes for sale, vended products and more. With a team of experienced professionals they offer high quality, informative tools for the vendors. To know more about the site, visit http://www.vendingconnection.com


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Mukase Promotions, a company founded on innovation, is bringing unique new promotional items like the hot trench keyholder to the market to help businesses outshine the competition at highly competitive trade shows, festivals and other events. With its complete line of both new and time-tested products, the company is well positioned to outshine its own competition too.

“When table after table of vendors are offering items designed to catch visitors’ attention, bringing something new to the table is almost impossible,” a company spokesman said. “While promotion companies in Cape Town and around the world struggle to keep up with the increasing demand for interesting and compelling promotional items, Mukase Promotions is setting the bar higher than most of its competitors can reach.”

One of the company’s newest products is the trench keyholder. The product will remind many who see it of a miniature Swiss army knife. Complete with scissors, can opener, knife, file and even a ruler, the keyholder provides appeal that keeps receivers handling it for minutes after contact is made. That could be long enough to cause them pass competing booth altogether.

When enhanced with a company’s logo or text, the trench keyholder can share a company’s message every time it comes out open a door, start a car or be shown off to friends.

The trench keyholder is small enough to fit easily into any pocket or purse yet large enough to include a logo that makes an impact. That’s a key part of the item’s design, company representatives say. Items that are intended to be carried must fit just as well into a man’s cramped trouser pocket as they do into the most cavernous women’s handbags.

This high-quality stainless-steel product is part of a trend in the promotional products industry toward useful giveaways that contacts utilize and display frequently, helping companies spread their messages beyond the events where items are handed out. As the marketplace becomes increasingly saturated and divided in some industries, promotional products that spread their message beyond their point of contact are necessary for companies to remain competitive since employees cannot be at every trade show or public event.

Mukase Promotions takes its commitment to serving changing company promotional needs seriously.

“Mukase Promotions is one of the most innovative promotion companies in Cape Town, South Africa, but we serve business of all types around the world,” said a spokesman. “Mukase Promotions and its related businesses also maintain a presence in Asia where we work to keep the quality of promotional items as high as possible while maintaining a favourable price for our customers.”

The company is part of the Involution group, a family of businesses that primarily serve Africa and Europe. Because of its deep commitment to both markets, the Involution parent company has offices in both South Africa and Great Britain.

Mukase Promotions works every day to bring innovative new products to South African businesses so they can get an edge over their competitors and ultimate increase their client base and revenue streams. The trench keyholder is one of today’s hot products, but the company’s work with Asian suppliers ensures that it always has cutting-edge products designed to move messages from company handout tables into the real world.

To learn more about Mukase Promotions, the trench keyholder and its other innovative new products, visit http://www.mukasepromotions.co.za.


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Top Five Myths About Recycled Paper

Many people tend to underestimate the quality of recycled paper assuming it doesn’t measure up to non-recycled varieties. However, recycled paper has come a long way over the years and performs just as well as paper made from virgin fiber. Below are the top five myths about recycled paper.

1. Flimsy

Often thought to be thin and flimsy, recycled paper is sometimes passed over by businesses and professionals who don’t want important documents on cheap-looking paper. However, recycled paper stock is available in the same weight and thickness as non-recycled paper so it works well for everything from corporate letterhead to resumes.

2. Poor ink absorption

Another misconception about recycled paper is that it’s unable to properly absorb ink. This theory is based off the fact that recycled paper requires special washing and processing to remove ink from the reclaimed paper it’s made out of and therefore its fibers are weaker and lack absorbency. While recycled paper does need this special processing, it does not result in poor ink absorption. In fact, recycled paper absorbs ink just as well as virgin paper.

3. Costly

Whether it’s because of the additional processing required to make it or its lesser main stream acceptance, recycled paper is widely perceived as being much more expensive than virgin paper. While there is some truth to this, the difference in price between virgin and recycled paper is rather negligible. In the long run, if you feel the environmental benefits outweigh the few extra dollars you may end up spending, recycled paper is likely an ideal choice for you.

4. Dingy color

Recycled paper is made out of waste paper scraps from various different sources including discarded office paper, newspaper and magazines. Because the majority of this paper has printing on it, many believe that the resulting recycled paper is stained with this pre-existing ink and isn’t the same bright white as its non-recycled counterpart. However, with so many advancements in recycled paper processing over the years, this variety of paper is virtually identical in appearance to virgin paper.

5. Performance issues in office equipment

Many presume recycled paper is flimsy and does not perform well in printers, copiers or fax machines. Fearing paper jams and the like, some tend to steer clear of it. In reality though, as long as you purchase recycled paper in a 20 pound or greater weight stock, it will perform the same as non-recycled paper in all office machines.

All in all, recycled paper is equally comparable to virgin paper. And if a reduced carbon footprint is important to you or your company, consider using recycled paper for your printing and documentation needs.

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Create Your Own Recycled Paper

Looking for a way to teach your students about recycling that goes beyond just using recycled paper? Why not make your own? A simple, inexpensive exercise, making homemade recycled paper is a great way to bring the topic to life in a fun, hands-on way. By gaining an understanding of the process and learning why it’s valuable, kids will have a better appreciation for why you insist on stocking your classroom with recycled paper. Plus, it’s simple and inexpensive. Follow the steps below and get your students ready to make their own paper.

1. Collect paper

A few weeks before you plan to start the project, ask students to begin collecting newspaper, copy paper, and any other scrap paper that’s been discarded. Having them bring the paper in from home will give them a sense of ownership of the project and will also help build enthusiasm in the preceding weeks.

2. Tear and fill

Once you’ve collected paper from the students, the next step is to tear or cut it into pieces. Small squares measuring approximately 1-by-1 inch are ideal. Once it’s cut, place the paper squares into buckets and pour warm water over them. Allow this paper and water combination to sit for at least 24 hours.

3. Mix

After a day or so, drain excess water from the buckets. Have the students use their hands to massage the mixture into a pulp, or pour it into a blender to mix it. The consistency should be similar to mashed potatoes.

4. Pour and dry

Nail screening material to wooden frames (it’s best to have these prepared prior to beginning the project) and pour the pulp mixture onto the screens letting the excess water drip into a basin or cooking sheets placed underneath. Gently tap a sponge on the underside of the screen and wring it out frequently. Once the screen is thoroughly coated, turn it paper-side down onto old towels or newspapers and allow it to dry for at least 24 hours.

5. Peel and use

Once it’s thoroughly dried, simply peel your handmade recycled paper off the screen and use. You may consider placing the newly made paper between two pieces of newspaper and ironing to flatten it out.

While this handmade creation will certainly not match the quality of the store-bought recycled copy paper you have at school, it’s great for homemade greeting cards and other crafts. Plus, students will take pride in knowing they’ve made it themselves and will have a real-life example of reducing their carbon footprint.

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Recycled Paper versus Virgin Paper: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered what the differences are between virgin and recycled paper? From the way they’re produced to how they impact the environment, these products that end up looking nearly identical on store shelves are actually quite different.

Production differences

While the finished product is about the same, virgin and recycled paper are produced very differently.

– Virgin paper is made directly from trees that have been cut and milled into pulp. The pulp is then processed to create paper.

– Recycled paper is made out of discarded paper and other like materials that are processed to remove ink and then formed into pulp. The pulp is then processed to create paper. The two main sources used to create recycled paper are pre- and post-consumer materials.

* Pre-consumer materials are those that never made it to the consumer and are sent directly from factories and warehouses to be recycled.

* Post-consumer materials are things like discarded newspaper, office copy paper, junk mail and other forms of paper the average person places in their recycling bin or brings to a recycling facility.

Both virgin and recycled paper are bleached to give them the bright white appearance we’ve come to recognize as standard.

Differences in environmental impact

It’s no secret that recycled paper is easier on the environment than its non-recycled counterpart. Here are some of the main ways they differ:

– Recycled paper requires no trees for production whereas virgin paper does. Therefore, the creation of virgin paper depletes this natural resource.

– Since recycled paper is created from paper waste, its creation saves massive amounts of excess waste from being shipped to landfills.

– Producing paper from virgin fiber is much more energy and water intensive than producing recycled paper. It also releases a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions into the environment.

Cost difference

There is a difference in price between virgin and recycled papers. Typically, recycled paper costs more. Here are some reasons why:

– Despite recycled paper’s increasing popularity over the years, there is still a greater demand for virgin paper. Therefore, virgin paper manufacturers can pass on a lower cost to the consumer based on sheer economics of scale.

– Recycled paper requires more processing to make it consumer-ready. Collecting and sorting through recovered waste paper is also very time and labor intensive, therefore driving up the cost.

When choosing between these two paper types, the decision will ultimately come down to cost and environmental impact. If you feel conserving natural resources is worth spending a few more dollars, than recycled paper is the way to go. Or, if virgin paper is still your preference, consider recycling it rather than throwing it in the trash to save landfill space and lessen your impact on the environment.

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