
Archive for the ‘Voting Equipment’ Category

Voting BoothWell, you could be forgiven for asking this question if you were living in the eighteenth century! At that time, a simple voting ballot box placed in a voting booth or polling booth would have sufficed, as the stakes were not too high and candidates seldom resorted to unfair practices. Similarly, a candidate could easily conduct the election campaign using a few banners and door to door contacts. Not anymore.

These days, stakes are so high for the candidates spending millions on their campaigns that they simply can’t afford to lose. And candidates today have no moral scruples of the earlier ages. This paves the way for capturing of polling booths or voting booths, stuffing voting ballot box with false votes, and such other malpractices. The result is an unfair election that does not reflect people’s true wishes and, thus, leads the country towards turbulence.

Good people who really want to do something for their constituencies and the country lack resources to contest elections, and mostly stay away from the process. The result is that elections, fair or unfair, lead to the same square one situation in which the same people win again and again, and elections don’t lead to any meaningful changes.

Both the situations are perilous for the peace, well being and development of a country. This is where modern voting equipment comes into play. Through the use of gadgets, like electronic voting machines, it ensures free and fair elections. Moreover, through high visibility and affordable campaign material it makes it possible for well-meaning people to contest elections. And, thus, it paves the way for a peaceful country with prosperous people, putting aside the ills of unfair and undemocratic elections.

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